Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How is Lawrence Virtual School different from traditional home schooling?
A: Lawrence Virtual School (LVS) is part of the Lawrence Public School District USD 497, and students are registered as students in the district. Thus, we follow the expectations of Lawrence Public Schools. Students work from home with an Adult Learning Coach (usually a parent).
Q: How much does this cost?
A: Lawrence Virtual School does not have a tuition fee; however, there is a nominal materials and technology fee assessed yearly for each student as decided by the USD 497 Board of Education.
Q: When can I enroll my student? Can we start anytime during the school year?
A: Lawrence Virtual School has an open enrollment period for the following school year beginning early spring.
Q: Do you enroll special education students?
A: Yes, LVS accepts applications from all students including both special needs and gifted education. As part of the application process, parents will be asked to provide a current IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and the most recent comprehensive evaluation report if available.
Q: Can I participate in band, orchestra, drama and/or sports at my local school?
A: Students have the opportunity to participate in elective courses and sports in their local district, being enrolled as a dual-enrolled student. However, it is up to the local school/district and LVS to approve this dual-enrollment arrangement.
Once Enrolled
Q: What are the expectations for the Adult Learning Coach (usually a parent)?
A: Each student must have an Adult Learning Coach (usually a parent). The Learning Coach is responsible for ensuring that your student is attending classes, help sessions and individual conferences. This adult will also be responsible for ensuring assignments are turned in and your student is progressing in their courses. Lessons and courses are not designed for a student to complete totally independently of a teaching adult in the home. Learning Coaches (especially for grades K-8) are expected to be actively working with their student on a daily basis.
Q: Will I need to work with my middle school students, or will they be able to complete all of their work without my assistance?
A: While many middle school students are motivated and confident learners and can do much of the independent practice without assistance from a Learning Coach, it is EXPECTED that a Learning Coach (teaching adult) be available to work with their middle school student daily to provide instruction, guidance, support, and monitor daily activities/assessments.
Q: How will I know what to do each day?
A: Lessons and instructions are provided for the Learning Coach and student through the online school platform. Daily and weekly lesson plans are a part of this provided program. By following the schedule, students will be able to complete their year’s curriculum within the school years’ time frame.
Q: How much time do students spend on the computer?
A: We expect that students will work approximately 30-50 percent of their time on the computer in the early grades and progressively more as they advance through the higher grades. Computers provide a balanced approach in education and act as powerful tools that can motivate, stimulate, and inform children about the world around them.
Q: What if we take an annual vacation during the school year?
A: Families have the flexibility to enjoy a family vacation during the school year. Communication with the assigned teachers to plan for missed days and completion of work will help to keep the student on track for their lesson completion.
Q: Do students have to take state assessments?
A: Students in grades 3-8 and 10-11 participate in face-to-face Kansas state assessments in the spring. Assessments include reading, math, social studies, and science. Students complete the testing in person at locations throughout the state.
Q: Is any preparation assistance provided for state assessments?
A: Teachers will offer a variety of opportunities to assist with preparation for the state assessments and the format of the testing process. In addition, teachers are monitoring their students' work for mastery in Kansas standards.
Q: Can I teach more than one child?
A: It is possible to teach more than one child in the family. Learning Coaches will need to plan their day accordingly to provide time for direct instruction for each child. Education Teachers can help with planning a schedule that will work for you and your family.